January 10, 2011
‘Voices in your community is theme of this years Pocketmedia Film Festival
Can you tell a story in two minutes or less? The UW Pocketmedia Film Festival is a video competition for the UW community (students, faculty, staff and alumni) to learn more about your unique interests through the fresh and authentic format of pocket media. It is your chance to show in a creative, artistic, or funny way the stories and poetry found in everyday life that make your community what it is.
This years theme is “Voices in your community.” What does it mean to you to be part of the Seattle community, your neighborhood, your workplace, your Greek house, your dorm. What are the voices in your community? How do different people celebrate their community…or feel isolated from it? What do the voices say? Does everyone have a voice?
Whether at home, in an organization, in a group of friends, or in a video game, we all belong to an organism that is a community. We are asking you to share the voices of your individual community–to explore the broad range of experiences, micro communities, and people that make up the diverse and living campus of the University of Washington. The voices that define UW aren’t always those that are present or visible, but they nonetheless influence the culture and community that thrives at UW. The voices in your community make up the UW choir.
So, how does the contest work? Shoot your engaging, exciting story in a video of two minutes or less using a camera that fits in your pocket. The UW Common Book “You Are Never Where You Are” must be featured at some point in the film. Upload your entry to the video site of your choice, then enter by opening the Catalyst form found on the UW Story website. Your video will appear in a gallery where you can vote and comment on other videos and compete for wonderful prizes. The videos will be judged for the quality, the originality of the content and theme implementation. There will be prizes for winners of the community voting as well as prizes assigned by a select jury.
Submissions are being accepted now; the deadline for entry is Jan. 31. Announcement of the winner will be on Feb. 14. The festival is open to all UW students, alumni, faculty and staff (uwnetid required). There is no charge for participation, and films in any language are welcome. Non-English languages films need to have English subtitles.