January 19, 2011
Etc.: Campus news & notes
GUITAR HERO: Music Lecturer Michael Partington has a new venue for his talents, as he is playing a serenading guitarist in the current Seattle Opera production of The Barber of Seville. Partington accompanies the character Almavivas in the first scene of the opera, as Almavivas serenades Rosina under her window. Hell be playing a “Romantic Guitar,” an instrument dating from the early part of the 19th century. Partington will also join the opera for the Spanish guitar sound that’s part of the next production, Don Quixote, opening Feb. 26. See the feature about Partington on the Seattle Opera blog.
THE WEATHERMAN: Speaking of blogs, Atmospheric Sciences Professor Cliff Mass might be a little sorry he started one. Mass said his blog was deluged with 90,000 hits last week as snow that quickly turned to slush hit the area. Mass was trying an experiment at the time — something he called nowcasting, as opposed to forecasting (describing what is happening with the weather now and during the next few hours). Apparently, a lot of folks were interested.
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