March 1, 2011
UW-written works lead March 7 evening of jazz
The Modern Jazz Ensemble will perform original works by UW music students and the Studio Jazz Ensemble will play works by UW alumni in an evening of jazz at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 7, in Meany Hall.
Cuong Vu will direct the Modern Jazz Ensemble as it performs Nay: Good Sir, by Colin Pulkrabek; Subtle Relapse, by Nick Rogstad; Solo Trombone w/ Plunger, by Natalie Hall; and Waterlines, by Gus Carns. Playing will be Hall, cello; Levi Gillis, tenor saxophone; Pulkrabek and Rogstad, trombone; Cameron Sharif and Carns, keyboard/piano; Evan Woodle, drums; and Mark Hunter, bass.
Vu and Ivan Arteaga will direct the Studio Jazz Ensemble as it plays Burn Ban, Long Arm and Seal your Sight So Your Body is Gone, all by Jared Borkowski (the latter arranged by Arteaga), and In the Freedom Land, by Neil Welch.
Playing in the ensemble will be Miriam Champer, Gillis, Wolf Rahfeldt, Eric Vanderbilt-Mathews, Leif Gustafson, Andrew Miller, Brennan Carter, Chris Lewis, John Markle, Kellan Smith, Mathew Scott, Masa Ohtake, Pulkrabek, Rogstadt, Sam Hylton, Jarred Katz and Abbey Blackwell.
Tickets are $10, available at the UW Arts Ticket Office, 206-543-4880, or at the School of Music website.