UW News

March 9, 2011

CEO of Teachstreet.com to speak March 31

The Find Your Focus Lecture Series will be hosting Dave Schappell, CEO of Teachstreet.com, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday, March 31 in 210 Kane. Schappell will be talking about common mistakes and challenges students will likely face when they graduate.

Schapell began as an accounting graduate, working at one of the larger accounting firms in the country.  Later, on his way to getting an MBA in marketing at the Wharton School of Business, he decided to drop out and join an early-stage company called Amazon.  After helping the company grow from 30 employees to be one of the largest e-commerce sites in the world as the director of product management, he left to work for Unitus, a nonprofit company with the mission to help impoverished countries by expanding the institutions of micro finance.

Schappell then moved to JibJab Media and completely overhauled their website and reputation as a humor outlet.  Finally, in 2007, he founded Teachstreet.com, a startup that helps students learn in a variety of classes.

The lecture is free but registration is requested.