June 21, 2011
Official notices
Board of Regents
The Regents will hold a regular public meeting Thursday, July 21, at 3 p.m. in UW Tower.
Blood Drives
Thursday, June 23, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., UW Tower (visitor dining room)
Fleet Services announces new rates for 2011 – 2012
On July 1, new Fleet Services rates will go into effect. Fleet Services continues to provide competitive rates with minor changes in the 2011/2012 rate structure.
The changes are as follows:
Short-Term Rental Daily and UCAR Hourly Rates
* All mileage rates have decreased due to changes in preventive maintenance (included in rental rates).
* All rental rates have decreased except for: Minivan/Small SUV, Compact Regular Pick Up, and Mini/Regular Cargo Vans. For these vehicle types, the mileage reductions offset the minor increase in rental rates.
* The 12-passenger van rate is increasing by $1.30 to $35.25/day due to a drop in usage. This rate continues to compare favorably to contract rates. A sample one-day comparison (using 250 miles for mileage computation) reveals the following: Fleet – $77.35/day and Enterprise – $114.05/day.
* Although annual UW Parking costs remain the same, the parking cost per hour has increased from $0.33 per hour to $0.42 for daily/UCAR rentals due to a drop in utilization.
Permanent Assignment Leased Rates
* All mileage rates have decreased due to changes in preventive maintenance (included in rental rates).
* All rental rates have decreased except for: Heavy Truck/Vans, Minivan/Small SUV, Compact Regular Pick Up, and Mini/Regular Cargo Vans. For these vehicle types, the mileage reductions offset the minor increase in rental rates.
Shop hourly rate for fleet and fleet managed vehicles increased from $77.02/hr to $79.17/hr and from $95.19/hr to $104.51/hr for non-fleet managed vehicles.
Fleet Services continues to provide competitive rates and excellent services to our customers in the University community. In 2010, Fleet saved the University over $350,000 in rental fees when compared to Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
The 2011-2012 rates can be viewed at: http://www.uwfleet.com/rental_rates/fleetservices11a.php
Public Notice: Availability of final supplemental environmental impact statement
Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-510 and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of the:
Project Name: Husky Stadium Renovation
Proponent: University of Washington
Description: Demolition and reconstruction of the lower bowl and south stands; relocation of the existing track to Intramural Activities (IMA) Sports Field No. 2; development of a new approximately 70,000 square-foot football operations support building to be integrated into the west end zone; implementation of premium seat program located primarily in the new south stands and the Don James Center located in the existing north stands; construction of approximately 200 parking spaces below the south side stands and achieve sustainable LEED initiatives and ADA accessibility.
Location: University of Washington Seattle Campus, east campus, 3800 Montlake Blvd NE. The site is bounded by the Lake Washington Ship Canal on the south; Montlake Blvd NE on the west; Hec Edmundson Pavilion on the north and the Womens Softball Field, the Outdoor Practice Facility and Lake Washington on the east.
Lead Agency: University of Washington
Copies Available: Copies of the document are available at the Capital Projects Office at the address listed below. Please contact Jan Arntz if you have questions or would like to receive a copy of the document. Both CDs and a limited number of hard copies are available.
Final Action: The SEPA Final Action is anticipated to occur in the spring/summer of 2011.
Responsible Official: Richard K. Chapman, Associate Vice President for Capital Projects
Capital Projects Office, Box 352205, Seattle, WA 98195, 206-543-5200.
Contact Person: Jan Arntz, Environmental/Land Use Compliance Officer
*Supplements the University of Washington Campus Master Plan environmental documents