October 12, 2011
Nominees sought for UW Health and Safety Committees
The election process is now under way for the UWs Health and Safety Committees. Anyone who would like to serve on a committee should contact his or her local election coordinator. A list of coordinators is available online.
The Health and Safety Committee system is an important part of the Universitys safety culture. This falls biennial Health and Safety Committee elections will choose representatives for each of the Universitys 11 committees. These committees ensure that effective employee health and safety practices continue at the University of Washington. New members first meet in January when they begin their two-year terms. The term ends on Dec. 31, 2013.
Health and Safety Committees consist of elected members who are elected every two years, and management appointees. The number of appointees does not exceed the number of elected members. The Environmental Health and Safety Department (EH&S) provides guidance for the elections process and closely coordinates it through the Health and Safety Committee election coordinators.
University policy concerning health and safety committees and their election can be found online. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries enforces regulations for health and safety committees and their elections.
Health and Safety Committee members work hard and members should have a strong interest in health and safety. Their local representation puts them in an excellent position for two-way communication between EH&S and individual departments and thus they influence safety culture at the University. Anyone with questions about health and safety committees, please contact Michael Blalock at EH&S at blalock@u.washington.edu, or 206 221-2852.