UW News

July 30, 2014

Availability of a draft environmental impact statement — Animal Research and Care Facility

Project Name: Animal Research and Care Facility (ARCF)

Proponent: University of Washington

Description: The University is proposing to construct a new state of the art” two-story below-grade structure approximately 96,000 square feet of building development to replace currently non-compliant facilities and provide centralized holding and procedure space for the Department of Comparative Medicine (DCM) and the Washington National Primate Research Center (WaNPRC). Below-grade development would also include an expanded loading dock that would contain an access corridor to link the ARCF with adjacent buildings. Above-grade features would total approximately 6,000 square feet and include an approximately 66-foot high, 4,200-square foot utility/exhaust tower for air intake and exhaust tower for air intake and exhaust and space for a future elevator and stairs leading to the underground facility. The ARCF is located underground in the existing Portage Bay Vista. The Vista and the East/West Pedestrian Corridor would be returned once construction has been completed and include improved ADA pathways and enhanced circulation. The existing view corridor created by the Portage Bay Vista would remain.

Location: The proposed site is located on the University of Washington Seattle campus. The site is bounded by NE Pacific Street on the north. NE Boat Street on the south, William H. Foege Hall on the West and Hitchcock Hall on the east.

Lead Agency: University of Washington

Public Hearing: A public hearing has not been scheduled for this project. The provisions of WAC 197-11-535 shall apply.

Comment Period Ends: August 27, 2014 Send comments to Jan Arntz at the address listed below.

Responsible Official: Richard K. Chapman, Associate Vice President for Capital Projects
Capital Projects Office
Box 352205
Seattle, WA 98195

Contact Person: Jan Arntz, Environmental/Land Use Compliance Officer
Capital Projects Office
Box 352205
Seattle, WA 98195
jarntz @uw.edu

Send comments to Jan Arntz at the address listed above.