November 16, 2016
Arts Roundup: DXARTS, American Art Lecture – and Baroque Ensemble
This week, DXARTS presents a new improvisational work in its fall concert and the School of Drama puts a modern spin on an American classic. Explore American art history with a lecture from the School of Art + Art History + Design, catch a performance by the School of Music’s Baroque Ensemble and watch instrumental students compete in a concerto competition.

Image credit: Pulling down the statue of George III by the “Sons of Freedom,” at the Bowling Green, City of New York, July 1776, engraving by John C. McRae after a painting by Johannes A. Oertel
Kollar American Art Lecture
6 p.m., November 17 | Henry Art Gallery
Wendy Bellion, associate professor of American art history at the University of Delaware, explores recurring imagery of King George III in American visual culture in this annual School of Art + Art History + Design lecture. More info.
School of Music Concerto Competition
7:30 p.m., November 18 & 21 | Brechemin Auditorium
Performance students on winds, brass, percussion (Nov. 21) and keyboard (Nov. 18) instruments compete for a chance to perform with the UW Symphony. More info.
Music of Today: DXARTS
Indigo Mist (Phase II)
7:30 p.m., November 20 | Meany Theater
The internationally renowned Cuong Vu Trio, School of Music faculty composers Richard Karpen and Juan Pampin, and Vietnamese master musician Nguyễn Thanh Thủy collaborate on a new improvisational work. More info.
Baroque Ensemble
7:30 p.m., November 22 | Brechemin Auditorium
School of Music professor Carole Terry and Pacific MusicWorks concertmaster Tekla Cunningham direct UW music students in a program of music of the Baroque era. More info.
F**king A
November 29 – December 11 | Meany Studio Theater
The School of Drama presents Suzan-Lori Parks’s haunting adaptation of “The Scarlet Letter,” a modern telling that turns Nathaniel Hawthorne’s tale of an exiled adulteress into the tragic story of Hester Smith—branded “A” for Abortionist—plying her trade in hopes of buying her son’s freedom from prison. More info.