UW News

December 7, 2018

UW is top U.S. public institution for federal research expenditures

UW News

The University of Washington is the top public institution in the country when ranked by 2017 fiscal year (FY) federal research expenditures, according to data recently released by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

According to the Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey for FY2017, the UW is second only to Johns Hopkins University in the federal money it spends annually on research and development. For FY 2017, that number was nearly $953 million for the UW, a .6 percent increase from the prior year.

When ranked by all — not just federal — research and development expenditures, the UW ranks fifth. The UW increased overall research and development by about 5.5 percent from the prior year, reporting a total of $1.348 billion investment from all funding sources.

“Research is foundational to the UW’s mission. Our continued strength in research is a testament to the quality of our faculty and their research groups, and our culture of collaboration,” said Mary Lidstrom, vice provost for research.

The national research rankings are computed annually by the NSF, and the resulting HERD Survey is the primary source of information on research and development expenditures at U.S. colleges and universities. The survey ranks institutions using a uniform methodology developed by NSF to establish the amount of university spending on research and development. The survey is an annual census of institutions that expended at least $150,000 in separately accounted for R&D in the fiscal year.


For more information, contact Jackson Holtz at 206-543-2580 or jjholtz@uw.edu.
