January 14, 2020
UW No. 5 best college for veterans, according to new ranking
The University of Washington is among the 10 best colleges for veterans, according to Zippia.com, an online career resource. The UW ranked No. 5 on the list.
The website looked at public universities across the country to find schools that best supported veterans.
“We continue to enhance and promote services for student veterans and military families and build programs that are beneficial for veterans, military families and our community,” said Jordan Houghton, assistant director of the Office of Student Veteran Life at UW.
Usage of the UW Office of Student Veteran Life has increased significantly in recent years, Houghton said. For this academic year alone, the office predicts a more than 27% uptick in student visits.
Out of 517 colleges, Zippia analyzed the rate of completion, the percentage of students earning at least $28,000 a year after attendance, and the percentage of student tuition spent on instruction versus other administrative costs. At the UW, 76% of graduates earn more than $28,000 annually and 82% of veterans graduated, according to Zippia.
Zippia only looked at public schools with four-year degree programs. It excluded private schools because while veterans fare well at private schools, Zippia said, only a fraction of veteran students attend them. Instead, Zippia said it wanted to provide an expansive look at the best colleges for veterans.
Tag(s): Rankings • Student Veteran Life • veterans