UW News

September 12, 2024

Statement on UW Board of Regents meeting disruption and adjournment

The following is a statement from outgoing UW Board of Regents Chair David Zeeck and Incoming Board of Regents Chair Blaine Tamaki on today’s meeting disruption and adjournment:

The UW Board of Regents adjourned its meeting today after disruptions made orderly conduct of the meeting impossible. Speakers addressing labor issues and those calling for divestment from Israel had spoken without interruption, but when Jewish speakers opposed to divestment and concerned about antisemitism on campus began their comments, protestors repeatedly interrupted and shouted them down. Despite repeated warnings to stop and clear the room, protesters continued their chants to shut down the meeting.

The Board condemns these actions as antithetical to free dialogue and disrespectful of other UW community members. The Board and the University will always prioritize safety and the free exchange of ideas and offered support to those who were shouted down and others who were scheduled to speak.

Attempts to intimidate members of the UW community or members of the public will not influence the Board’s decision-making process. No further actions will be taken by the Board until its next regularly scheduled meeting.