UW News

October 27, 2005

ETC: Campus news & notes

WHITE HOUSE KEYNOTER: David Hawkins, social work professor and founding director of the Social Development Research Group, has a date today at the White House. He will give the keynote talk in the first White House Conference on Helping America’s Youth, an event designed to promote public awareness of the various problems confronting at-risk young people in the United States. First Lady Laura Bush is the host for the conference.

Hawkins, who started the ongoing Seattle Social Development Project and such intervention programs as Communities That Care, is among the experts who will be sharing ideas about programs that make a difference in the lives of young people. Policymakers, researchers, foundations, faith-based and volunteer organization, educators, coaches and parents have been invited to participate in the event.

GOLDEN APPLE: A UW staffer is among the 10 winners of this year’s KCTS-TV Golden Apple awards, which honor excellence in education in Washington state. Patricia MacGowan, director of Washington Math, Engineering, Science Achievement, or MESA, at the University, will receive $250, plus a $1,500 grant for the MESA program, which is designed to provide enriching opportunities in mathematics, engineering and science for under-represented students in grades K-12. MESA has a network of 78 secondary classes in 25 school districts.

RECYCLING CONTEST: It’s pretty much a given at the UW that most everyone supports recycling. But working with his Dean’s Council, Bruce Bare, dean of the College of Forest Resources, has decided to go one step further and put money where his mouth is. Bare sent information to everyone in the college indicating that he would award a $500 prize to the person or group in the college who advances the most innovative, cost-effective and measurable idea that helps the UW exceed its 60 percent paper recycling goal. Suggestions have to be submitted by Nov. 30. We’ll be interested in hearing about the winning idea.

SEAL OF APPROVAL: The Motor Pool maintenance shop is the recipient of the Institute of Automotive Service Excellence’s Blue Seal of Excellence for 2005-2006. To qualify for this prestigious award, all motor equipment mechanics must be individually certified in at least three different ASE categories. Also, the overall shop is evaluated as a team to meet other criteria including individual certification of the parts program specialist. Congratulations to the Motor Pool Shop team: Ralph Castellino, Carl Peter, Addley Tole Jr., Mitchell Poe, Terry Johnson, Bob Goodloe, Eric Thompson, Tim Kenny, and Sean Nguyen.

GOVERNMENT STAR: Barbara Perry, the UW’s director of federal relations, has been given the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Council on Government Affairs, an award given for outstanding contributions to CGA, the governmental affairs profession and the higher education community.

KUDOS: Ivan R. King, research professor in the Department of Astronomy, recently received the honorary degree of Doctor of Science from Hamilton College . . . Education Professor James Banks has won a Distinguished Alumnus Award from Michigan State University.

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.