UW News

December 1, 2005

(M)alice, not Alice in undergrad play

The Undergraduate Theater Society production of (M)Alice: A Gross Misinterpretation Of Wonderland will be presented
Dec. 1-4 in the Cabaret Theater in Hutchinson Hall.

Adapted from Lewis Carroll’s books by Joe Mangialardi, who also directs, (M)Alice is described as a dark and macabre retelling of the beloved story. This piece includes the largest ensemble of actors and actresses ever brought together for an Undergraduate Theater Society production. This retelling takes on many of the somber tones of the original books and is not the child’s tale many associate with Alice in Wonderland. The production is not suitable for young children.

(M)Alice performances will be at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, and Sunday with 4 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. shows on Saturday, Dec. 3. Tickets are $7 at the door and will be available an hour before show time on the nights of performances. Ticket reservations will be available to all via e-mail at: uwmalice@hotmail.com.