UW News

December 1, 2005

Ramsey lecture to be first in series

The medical school’s first Education in Medicine lecturer will be Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine Paul G. Ramsey.

He will discuss “The Value of and Threats to Medicine Education.”

The lecture will be given from noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 6, in Hogness Auditorium at the UW Health Sciences Center.

It will be simulcast to the Harborview Medical Center Research & Training Building Auditorium and to the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Building 1, Room 524. The lecture is free and open to all.

The medical school’s Office of Academic Affairs is sponsoring the new, quarterly lecture series to recognize the importance of teaching and learning as a key mission of the medical school.

Ramsey is a leading national figure in medical education research. He is noted for his work on peer assessment of physician competence; on how the knowledge of certified internists relates to their training, practice type, and their characteristics as physicians, and how their knowledge changes over time; and the rating of student skills in clinical clerkships.

Most recently, the medical school’s College System, begun after a curriculum review under Ramsey’s deanship, has received attention from other medical schools for its personalized approach to teaching medical students and training them in core clinical skills and professionalism.

The next lecture in the Education in Medicine series will be given Tuesday, Feb. 14, when the speaker will be Dr. Joseph York, the medical school’s associate dean for graduate medical education.

For more information, contact Mary Atkinson, maryat@dommail.dom.washington.edu, 206-543-5563.