UW News

December 8, 2005

CFD: Volunteering for health

Editor’s note: This is the last in University Week’s series of profiles of UW employees who volunteer for CFD agencies. The deadline for the Combined Fund Drive has been extended, and online giving continues until Dec. 20. For more information, visit online at http://www.washington.edu/uwcfd/. So far, $1,486,000 has been raised.

Name: Kathy Smith-DiJulio

UW Job: Research Scientist, Seattle Midlife Women’s Health Study, Department of Family and Child Nursing

Volunteer Activity: Member of the Quality Committee of the Country Doctor Community Health Centers. The Quality Committee reports through the program committee to the Board of Directors and works in conjunction with clinic leaders to assure quality care and service.

Organization’s mission: To improve the health of communities by providing health care to individuals regardless of their ability to pay.

How long a volunteer there? Six years.

Why this activity? 1) It uses my expertise as a health care professional with a background in quality improvement. 2) I believe strongly in the mission of the organization and am continually impressed by the dedication of its Board and employees. 3) The time commitment fits nicely into my packed schedule (I’m a full time PhD student as well as an employee, wife, mother, friend, etc.)

A memorable volunteering experience: As the staff implemented a revised quality program and met improvement goals, the excitement in their faces and words was palpable. Their energy and enthusiasm spread throughout the clinics. Just walking into the clinic for meetings and seeing the exciting programming is always reinforcing. It’s also very sad when work comes to a halt or progress is slowed because of loss of funding.

Satisfaction in volunteering: It is important to me to give back to my community and to contribute to make the world a better place for all. Volunteering allows me to feel that I am doing my part. And I always learn a lot — about my community and the people in it. No matter how little time a person has, there is some way to positively contribute to make the world a better place. I think sometimes people think a volunteer commitment will be too time-consuming. It doesn’t have to be!