UW News

April 17, 2003

You’re not just a number, but your number’s important

Editor’s Note: You may or may not have noticed that the University has switched from using Social Security numbers on paychecks to Employee Identification numbers. Since then, there has been some confusion about the numbers, so the UW Payroll Office has provided the following Q&A to explain them.

Q: What was the reason for the change?

A: There are various bills in the federal and state governments to require the use of Employee Identification numbers (EIDs). In addition, the University has received during the past few years more and more requests from employees to move from Social Security Numbers to an EID system to prevent Social Security number theft. In anticipation of the passage of the bills and in answer to the requests, the UW took the initiative to switch to EIDs on Jan. 1, 2002.

Q: What is an EID number?

A: It is a number that the UW randomly assigns to each employee. It is nine digits starting with the number 8. Students have an EID Number in addition to their Student ID Number when they are employees of the University.

Q: When should an EID number be used?

A: For all UW forms in regards to any records, such as parking, benefits, payroll, IMA, direct deposit.

Q: When should an EID number not be used?

A: The Social Security number should still be used for federal forms such as W4s or INS Form I9s. UW form 1388 (Determination of Foreign Nationals Residency for Tax Purposes) requires a Social Security number. In addition, retirement and savings plans with tax consequences such as the UW Retirement Plan (UWRP), Employees’ Retirement Systems(PERS) or the Voluntary Investment Program(VIP) must be reported to the vendors using the Social Security number as an identifier. An area of concern for many employees is use of their Social Security number on a medical plan ID card. Most plans have already moved away from use of Social Security numbers on ID cards and all plans have the ability to create an alternate ID if requested by a member.

Q: Where can this number be found?

A: Go to UW site for Employee Self Service (ESS) link. It is on the front page of ESS. It is also on check stubs above the name in the upper left-hand corner.

Q: Why should this number be used?

A: It prevents Social Security number theft and protects individuals’ personal financial information. It also ensures that customer service paperwork will be processed more quickly and accurately. It reduces errors and rework, and allows questions to be answered more quickly.

Note: Be sure you use current forms that ask for the EID instead of the Social Security number and destroy or change old forms.