UW News

May 15, 2003

Book Picks: New books by faculty authors

Compiled by Debbie Kilgren, University Book Store

Citadel to City-State: the Transformation of Greece, 1200–700 B.C.E by Carol G.Thomas, Professor of Ancient Greek History, co-authored with Craig Conant, Indiana University Press.

Citadel traces the process of change that transformed the Bronze Age civilization into the city-state culture of the Classical Age. Each century from 1200 to 700 B.C.E. is explored through an individual site — Mycenae, Nichoria, Athens, Lefkandi, Corinth, and Ascra — that illustrates the major features of each period. This book is a remarkable account of historical detective work that is beginning to shed light on Dark Age Greece.

The Commons in the New Millennium: Challengers and Adaptations, by Noves Dolsak, Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, Bothell, co-authored with Elinor Ostrom, MIT Press.

This book presents cutting-edge research in common property theory and provides an overview and progress report on common property research. Commons analyzes new problems that owners, managers, policy makers, and analysts face in managing natural commons.

Primary Succession and Ecosystem Rehabilitation, by Roger del Moral, Professor of Botany, co-authored with Lawrence R. Walker, Cambridge University Press.

The authors examine the basic principles that determine ecosystem development and apply the general rules to the urgent practical need for promoting the reclamation of damaged lands.

Reader’s Choice 4, Book 1, and Reader’s Choice 4, Book 2 by Sandra Silberstein, Professor of English, co-authored with Barbara Dobson and Mark Clarke, University of Michigan Press.

Reader’s Choice is based on the theory that proficient reading requires the coordination of a number of skills, but the most important is the reader’s ability to select the proper skills or strategies to solve each reading problem. The exercises and readings in the new split editions will help students become independent, efficient readers.

Theories of Social Orders: A Reader, by Michael Hechter, Professor of Sociology, co-authored with Christine Horne, Stanford University Press.

“The hardest part of teaching social theory is to get students to move from discursive commentaries to analytic thinking. In Theories of Social Order we finally have a teaching text that meets this need.” Andrew G. Walder, Stanford University.

This collection of readings explores what arguably remains the single most important problem in sociological theory: the problem of social order.

Winter Love: Ezra Pound and H.D., by Jacob Korg, professor emeritus of English, University of Wisconsin Press.

Winter Love is original in a most significant way because it presents for the first time a parallel analysis of the interrelated lives and literary careers of H.D. and Ezra Pound and takes pains to be evenhanded in its treatment of both writers.” Wendy Stallard Flory, Purdue University

These books are available at University Book Store and http://www.ubookstore.com Are you the author of a new book? Please let me know, we want to carry it at University Book Store. Debbie Kilgren is the social sciences book buyer at University Book Store. She can be reached at dkilgren@ix.netcom.com.