UW News

November 20, 2003


WEATHERING CHANGE: The reading at University Book Store on Nov. 24 might be of more than casual interest to some people at the University. Tom Linneman, an assistant professor of sociology at the College of William and Mary, will be talking about his book, Weathering Change: Gays and Lesbians, Christian Conservatives and Everyday Hostilities. Linneman earned his doctorate at the UW and the book is based on his dissertation.

The book, published by New York University Press, is described this way: “Weathering Change tells a tale of two Northwestern cities: Seattle, well known nationally for its liberalism, and Spokane, its conservative cousin to the east. Weathering Change characterizes the ways these liberal and conservative environments translate into hostility and hospitality for the Christian conservatives, gay men and lesbians who live within them.” The reading is at 7 p.m.

IT’S AN EXPERIENCE: Drop by the bookstore tonight for a celebration of the new book The University of Washington Experience. The coffee table book features many photographs of the campus by Stewart Hopkins with captions and other text by Tom Griffin, editor of Columns, the alumni magazine. The celebration is from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

MARATHON (WO)MAN: Staffer Kim Mabee, administrative specialist in Anesthesiology, got back last week after running in the New York City marathon. Although it was her first time in New York, it wasn’t her first marathon. Mabee finished her 10th 26-mile effort in 3:51:40, which wasn’t her personal best but was good enough to beat rapper P. Diddy, who had entered to raise money for charity and had vowed to beat Oprah Winfrey’s time (he did). Mabee says she’s planning to retire from marathons soon and will compete in triathlons instead. However, she’d like to do the Chicago marathon next year because she’s never been to the windy city.

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.