UW News

January 15, 2004

Health Sciences News Briefs

The next program in the THINK (The Investigator Needs to Know) series sponsored by the School of Medicine’s Office of Clinical Research will feature Dr. Nora Disis speaking on “What the Investigator Needs to Know: Rules and Unwritten Rules.” The program will be from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 20, in room T-625 of the Health Sciences Center. Although registration for the four-part series is encouraged, faculty and staff may attend individual sessions without pre-registration.

Disis is an associate professor of medicine at the UW and an associate member of the clinical division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Her presentation will focus on key aspects of responsibilities principal investigators assume for complying with Food and Drug Administration and Department of Health and Human Services rules. The series, which is geared to clinical research principal investigators and their research and administrative assistants, began last fall. The final presentation is scheduled on March 23.