UW News

April 1, 2004

Applications due for arts/humanities institute

Applications are due April 5 for the third annual Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities, “Trauma, Time and Memory.” The institute, scheduled for June 21–Aug. 20, provides an opportunity for selected undergraduates to earn full-time, academic credit through immersion in scholarly research with accomplished scholars and peers. Bringing together three faculty and 15 students in plenary, seminar and tutorial-style sessions, the institute encourages mutual learning as well as independent thought.

This year’s institute explores the relationship between traumatic events and human memory. This eight-week intensive institute, taught by a historian of science and technology (Phillip Thurtle), an intermedia artist (Claudia X. Valdes), and a scholar in literary criticism and cultural studies (Kari Tupper), provides an interdisciplinary approach to understanding trauma and its connections to history and memory, time, narrative, embodiment, visual arts, and social relationships.

Institute participants will develop a piece of research that will allow them to demonstrate their full talents to postgraduate or professional programs. The institute will culminate in a series of presentations and in the publication of an anthology of student research in the arts and humanities. Information and applications can be found at: http://www.washington.edu/research/urp/sinst  or by contacting Nichole Fazio at njfazio@u.washington.edu.

The institute is sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Education, the Simpson Center for the Humanities, the Office of Research, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Office of Educational Outreach, the Undergraduate Research Program, and the Mary Gates Endowment for Students.