UW News

May 6, 2004

Arctic refuge is subject of talks

A nature photographer, a biologist and an economist will present their respective views of drilling for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in presentations three afternoons next week in the HUB.

Presented by the UW Program on the Environment, the series of talks, each at 3:30 p.m., are free and open to the public. See the flyer at http://depts.washington.edu/poeweb/happening/ANWR1.pdf.

Tuesday’s speaker, Subhankar Banerjeee, is a photographer and author of Seasons of Life and Land, said to be the first comprehensive photographic essay to explore the native peoples and landscapes of the refuge. The photos have become part of the national debate about drilling in the refuge.

Wednesday’s speaker, Gordon Orians, is a professor emeritus of biology at the UW. He served as the chair of the committee convened by the National Research Council considering the cumulative environmental effects of oil and gas activities on Alaska’s North Slope.

Thursday, May 13, the speaker will be Fran Ulmer, former lieutenant governor of Alaska, who will give an economist’s view of the oil drilling proposal.

For more information call 206-616-3310 or e-mail poe@u.washington.edu.