UW News

June 24, 2004

A special thank you

On behalf of state employee Jeff Ott, we, his family and friends, would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you at the UW for your generous donations of sick leave through participation in Washington State’s shared leave program. Your generosity has allowed Jeff to get his affairs in order very quickly and focus on his liver transplant.

The shared leave he receives takes a great deal of pressure off Jeff and his support team. He was recently officially placed on the transplant list and the support he has received has allowed him to maintain his fragile health throughout this time, in large part thanks to your generosity and humanity.

Please tell your co-workers about this wonderful program. They may not know that they can help out a co-worker or deserving colleague throughout the state. For more information and details on how to participate in the shared leave program, contact your Human Resources department.