UW News

July 25, 2002

Mouse genome experts to gather in Seattle

A year ago, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences awarded the UW and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center $5 million over five years to establish a Comparative Mouse Genomics Center, one of five to be developed in the nation.

Next week, Seattle will host the first symposium bringing together researchers from all five of the new centers. The Comparative Mouse Genomics Center Consortium Symposium 2002, with the theme “Human Gene Variation: From SNPS to Phenotypes,” will begin Sunday evening, July 28, and continue through Tuesday, July 30. Researchers will talk about using mouse models to understand how environmental factors influence human disorders such as cancer, Parkinson’s and arthritis.

Dr. Warren Ladiges, UW professor of comparative medicine, is the principal investigator for the Seattle center and Dr. Christopher Kemp, affiliate assistant professor of pathology and a FHCRC scientist, is co-principal investigator.

Several UW faculty members will speak at the symposium, and Dr. Lee Hartwell, professor of genome sciences and president of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, is one of the keynote speakers. For more on the symposium, see the Web site at
