UW News

November 7, 2002


FOOTBALL HARVEST: If you’re going to the Huskies’ last home football game of the season Nov. 9, be sure to bring along some non-perishable food for Northwest Harvest. Once again the members of the UW Police Department, Law Enforcement Explorers and Air National Guard will be at the gates of Husky Stadium to collect donations. Checks made out to Northwest Harvest are welcome too. If you are unable to go to the game you can still help by calling a donation in at 206-625-0755 or giving online at www.northwestharvest.org.

WORLD CITIZEN: The World Affairs Council will present its 2002 World Citizen Award Nov. 12 to the UW. Giving the keynote address at the Sheraton banquet will be Nobel Peace laureate Oscar Arias, former president of Costa Rica. The award is in recognition of the university’s “longstanding leadership in research and education on global issues, as exemplified by the Marc Lindenberg Center for Humanitarian Action, International Development and Global Citizenship.”

RURAL TECH: A UW and WSU program helping rural communities gain access to the latest technology and training for managing woodlands has received the highest national award for private-forestry education given by the National Woodland Owners Association and the National Association of Professional Forestry Schools and Colleges. The Rural Technology Initiative was launched two years ago by the UW’s College of Forest Resources and WSU’s Department of Natural Resources Sciences and Cooperative Extension with Bruce Lippke as director. The program’s Web site at http://www.ruraltech.org/  is loaded with information and tools.

FINDING FOOD: A number of readers of last week’s stories about campus food services wanted more specific information about dining facilities. All of the facilities are open to the entire campus community — faculty and staff as well as students. Information about what’s available and hours of operation is at: http://www.washington.edu/hfs/food/index.html

IMPACT HONOR: UW Bothell Chancellor Warren Buck received the Hulon Willis Association Impact Award recently. The association is for African American alumni of the College of William and Mary, and Buck is being honored for his impact on HWA and the college community.

KUDOS: Graduate Dean Marsha Landolt has been named to the Association of Graduate Schools Executive Committee for a three-year term . . . James W. Murray, professor of oceanography, is lecturing on chemical oceanography at Bogazici University in Istanbul, and conducting research on the Black Sea under a Fulbright Scholar Award for the 2002–2003 academic year.