UW News

January 30, 2003

Public forums on presidential search slated

The first of a series of public forums to be held in connection with the UW presidential search will be held 4-6 p.m. Feb. 20 in 130 Kane Hall. The forum, sponsored by the Board of Regents, will feature a panel of retired university presidents.

Another forum sponsored by the Regents will be held March 20. In addition, the Search Advisory Committee will hold a public forum on Feb. 24, and on March 10 the Faculty Senate will be sponsoring a forum.

Details on these events, as well as other information related to the search, is available at: http://www.washington.edu/regents/search02/index.html.

People interested in writing to the Search Advisory Committee can send email to uwsearch@u.washington.edu, or can write:

Search Advisory Committee
c/o Jennefer Penfold
Board of Regents
University of Washington
139 Gerberding Hall
Box 351264
Seattle, WA 98195-1264
Fax: 206-543-6110