UW News

November 21, 2002

Combined Fund Drive

Editor’s Note: The Combined Fund Drive runs through Nov. 22. Throughout the drive, University Week will feature faculty and staff who give back to the community by volunteering their time.

Name: Ann Spangler

UW Job: Administrative Assistant, Office of Institutional Studies

Volunteer Activity: Girl Scout Leader with Junior Troop 591 at Greenlake Elementary School

Mission of Volunteer Organization: The Girl Scout Program Goals can be summarized as becoming the best person you can, respecting other people, building your own set of values and building leadership skills.

Time as a Volunteer: Three years plus the 10 years I was a Girl Scout

Why this Activity?

I was a Girl Scout even in high school and completed the First Class Award, which is the Girl Scout equivalent to the Boy Scout’s Eagle Scout. I learned so many practical skills as a Girl Scout that I wanted to pass this on. There are such a variety of skills and practical experiences available in scouting that you can really find your niche and pursue whatever you want and the best part is you get badges for learning.

Satisfaction in Volunteering:

I enjoy watching the girls grow and learn to treat each other with respect while working as a team to complete projects. They help each other with problem solving and come up with some really great solutions. Also, spending time with 16 9-year-old girls really puts things in perspective. Sometimes you forget how old you seem to them. One time three of them were talking about getting good grades and getting into college. I told them that I worked at the University and if they came here they could come and visit me. They said, “You will be much too old, by the time we get there, you won’t be there anymore.”