UW News

November 21, 2002

Etc: Campus News & Notes

SPACE (NEEDLE) TRAVEL: Filmmaker B. J. Bullert recently toured Chile with her new short film, Space Needle at 40, after showing the 9-minute work at the Chilean International Short Film Festival in Santiago. Bullert teaches in the new Professional Masters in Communication in Digital Media program and is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Communication and Civic Engagement. Space Needle at 40 premiered at the Space Needle Oct. 4. The program, sponsored by the Allied Arts Foundation, weaves together archival images from the 1962 “Century 21” Seattle World’s Fair with imaginative contemporary footage. Space Needle at 40 is based loosely on the narrative of a contemporary woman’s life as she turns 40 — from the rosy optimism of youth, through disillusion, to an enduring dignity that comes with age.

GLAMOUROUS RESEARCH: It is a fairly safe bet that assistant professor Elaina Rose is the only UW economist to be quoted in the current issue of Glamour magazine, which reports on research by her and colleague Shelly Lundberg showing that fathers of baby boys work longer hours than fathers of girls. Glamour’s brief account of the UW household-economics research appears in November issue, whose cover promises articles on “Sexy Dresses Under $100” and “Are You a Stress Eater?”

A BREAK ON BOOKS: Remember that holiday circular you usually get from UW Press? Well, you won’t be getting it this year, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get the discount offered in it. This year the press is cooperating with the University Book Store to hold a sale Nov. 29–Dec.15 at the Ave and Hub locations of the book store. At the sale, faculty and staff will get a 40 percent discount on a selection of UW Press books. Displays will be marked “UW Press Holiday Offerings.” To receive the discount, a UW Press sale announcement post card, which will be delivered via campus mail on Nov. 25, or UW Faculty/Staff card must be presented. Free shipping does not apply, and sales are not eligible for patronage refund. Find a complete list of holiday sale titles on the UW Press Web site: www.washington.edu/uwpress.

CLICK-IT OR TICKET: The UW Police Department will partner with the armed forces and more than 12,000 other law enforcement agencies in a nationwide crackdown against seat belt violators. Operation ABC Mobilization started this week and continues through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. During Operation ABC Mobilization, officers will intensify enforcement of seat belt and child passenger safety laws. Seat belt violators and drivers failing to restrain their child passengers will be ticketed. “Strict enforcement of seat belt laws is the only way to get people to buckle up,” said Assistant Police Chief Annette Spicuzza. “Seat belt use in states that conduct high-visibility enforcement is 10 to 15 percentage points higher than in states that simply conduct public education.”

KUDOS: Information School Dean Mike Eisenberg was on the cover of the School Library Journal last month with an article about the Rapid Library Transformation Initiative, or RLTI , which is expanding the role of school librarians and putting them in a more prominent position to help boost student achievement . . . Drama Professor Emeritus Geraldine Brain Siks was given the Medallion of Honor by the Children’s Theater Foundation of America “for her lifetime work in creative dramatics for children.”

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.