UW News

July 24, 2003

Directors named for WWAMI programs at two sites

New directors have been named for the School of Medicine’s regional WWAMI (Wyoming, Washington, Alaska, Montana and Idaho) program at Montana State University and for the combined programs at the University of Idaho and Washington State University. The programs provide first-year medical school training for students from those states.

At Montana State in Bozeman, Dr. Linda Hyman, now associate professor of biochemistry at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, will become WWAMI director and MSU’s first vice provost for health sciences. She is a graduate of the State University of New York at Albany and earned M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Brandeis University. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Tufts University School of Medicine. As vice provost for health sciences, she will oversee a new Division of Health Sciences, which will include the WWAMI program and the MSU School of Nursing, among other programs.

Dr. Andrew Turner, a psychologist, will be the director of the WWAMI programs at the University of Idaho in Moscow and Washington State University in Pullman. He will also become an assistant dean at the UW School of Medicine.

He has been dean of students at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, a clinical professor of psychology there, and chair for the Wyoming WWAMI first-year course, Systems of Human Behavior. He is also a University of Washington clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and former director of the University of Wyoming Counseling Center.

He trained as a psychologist at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he earned a master’s degree in education and a Ph.D. His interests include rural behavioral health issues and training, domestic violence prevention, post-traumatic stress disorders, under-age drinking and substance abuse, and multiculturism in health care.