UW News

October 9, 2003

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus. You tell us where. The names of all those with the correct answer will be entered in a drawing for a gift certificate donated by the University Book Store. Send your entry by e-mail to uweek@u.washington.edu  along with your name and department. The deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14. We’ll give away one prize per quarter.

Last week’s answer: Last week’s photo was of a path in the ivy between the Gerberding parking lot and the mail boxes. There were a lot of answers pointing to other paths through the ivy, but the following five people guessed correctly:

  1. Alec Constabaris, medicinal chemistry
  2. Joan Abe, graduate school
  3. Karen Erickson, information school
  4. Susan Lawrency, computing & communications
  5. Pat Kaufman, recycling program