UW News

April 22, 2004

Evening Magazine crowns EEU principal ‘most popular’ in Western Washington

UW News

With flowers and photo flashes, cheers and applause, Jennifer Annable, principal of the UW’s Experiment Education Unit, was surprised Tuesday by the crew of KING television and given the station’s award for Most Popular Principal in Western Washington.

The selection and celebration were part of the station’s 12th annual Best of Western Washington series, and the episode is scheduled to air on Tuesday, April 27.

Parents, teachers and students gathered at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the school’s gym along with KING-TV personalities John Curley and Jim Devor and their camera operator, then erupted in cheers for Principal Annable when she walked in the door.

“I didn’t know a single thing, I was totally shocked,” Annable said after the quick, enthusiastic ceremony. “When I came in and say all the kids I was flabbergasted.”

Assistant Principal Chris Matsumoto said the surprise was largely organized by Noelle Foster, committee chair for the school’s fund-raising auction, which is scheduled for May 22. Matsumoto said the staff encouraged parents to vote for Annable, which they did in droves. When she won, the staff even invented a phony meeting with a would-be donor to keep Annable occupied while everyone filled the small gym and made ready her surprise.

Flowers in hand, the official Most Popular Principal told the crowd, “I have the best school in Western Washington.”

Her gathered fans quickly returned to their classrooms and daily schedules after the event. Abraham Golden, a 6-year-old in Jennifer Olson’s class, summed up the feelings of the crowd, saying of Annable, “She’s the super-duper best principal!”