UW News

April 13, 2006

Daedalus String Quartet Performs April 18

The UW International Chamber Music Series concludes its 2005-06 season with the Daedalus String Quartet and guest pianist Byron Schenkman. The concert will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, in Meany Theater.

Daedalus takes its name from the mythical Greek inventor, artist, and architect celebrated for creating the art of sculpture, designing the Labyrinth, and above all for regaining his freedom by devising wings that made it possible for him to fly. The Daedalus Quartet (pronounced DED-a-lus), was founded in the summer of 2000, and one year later captured the Grand Prize of the 2001 Banff International String Quartet Competition, quickly establishing itself as among America’s outstanding string quartets.

Daedalus Quartet members hold degrees from Juilliard, Curtis, the Cleveland Institute, and Harvard University. Brother and sister violinists Kyu-Young Kim and Min-Young Kim, who alternate on first violin, and cellist Raman Ramakrishnan grew up in East Patchogue, Long Island; they met violist Jessica Thompson, a Minneapolis native, at the Marlboro Festival.

Tickets for the concert, part of the UW World Series, are $31. For more information, call 206-543-4880.