UW News

April 20, 2006

Reuse that coffee mug and get your next cup cheap

UW students and staff consume close to 5,000 coffee and tea beverages every day. In honor of Earth Week, April 17–21, UW Earth Club and the Department of Housing and Food Services (HFS) are promoting $1 drip coffee when you bring your own mug.

HFS is also selling a special “Handcrafted for Dawgs” purple tumbler. If you bring this mug into any HFS-run espresso bar, you will get $1 drip coffee — good for the entire spring quarter. As always, you receive 10 cents off espresso drinks when you bring in any reusable mug.

“We live in an incredibly disposable culture. It can be easy to forget that trash doesn’t just go away once it leaves our sight,” said Earth Club Co-President Christine Chan. “Bringing your own mug is such an easy and socially responsible action. I hope that with the additional benefit of saving money, students will be encouraged to carry a cup with them.”

As part of an ongoing social responsibility initiative, HFS is in the process of developing a new mug program that they hope to roll out on campus within the next year. HFS will incorporate data collected during these promotions into their feasibility study. “It is a pleasure to support the Earth Club in their efforts to educate the campus community on the small steps everyone can take in an effort to cut down on waste,” said Barbara Smith, Marketing Manager for HFS.

On April 21, the Earth Club will showcase an art display on the HUB lawn created from 1,000 paper cups donated by Tully’s Coffee. “The Earth Club’s idea to create this display is fantastic. Considering 5,000 paper coffee cups are thrown away every day on campus, it is sure to make a strong visual impact that will aid the UW Earth Club and HFS in getting the message across,” Smith added.