UW News

April 27, 2006

‘From Bench to Bedside’: Moving research from lab to patients

Translational research, or research that moves discoveries from the laboratory bench into practical use with patients, will be the focus of this year’s clinical research conference, organized by the School of Medicine’s Office of Clinical Research.

Translational Research: From Bench to Bedside, From Practice to the Public is the title for the all-day conference on Monday, May 8, at the Museum of History & Industry near campus. The cost for all attendees is $95 and registration is required through the Continuing Medical Education office. For a full brochure and registration information, see the CME Web site at http://uwcme.org/live/#MJ0624

The conference is open to all interested researchers and trainees, and is sponsored in conjunction with Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center.

Topics will include personal experiences of researchers who have left academic medicine for industry and who have stayed, historical perspectives on translational research, talking to the press and how journalism affects clinical research, and talking with patients about media reports.

Conference faculty coming to Seattle include Dr. David Nathan, president emeritus of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Dr. Phil Fontanarosa, executive deputy editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association; and Tim Friend, science writer. Tina Mankowski, director of Health Sciences/UW Medicine News and Community Relations, will talk about media relations.