UW News

July 20, 2006

Pre-proposals for innovation fund due Sept. 25

UW TechTransfer has announced that two-page pre-proposals requesting Technology Gap Innovation Fund (TGIF) money are due in the office of UW TechTransfer on Sept. 25.

TGIF is a funding program managed by UW TechTransfer and the Washington Research Foundation to further develop UW innovations with commercial potential. The primary focus is on projects that require additional research or prototype development to make them suitable for licensing or a company start. Proposals must demonstrate a high probability of enhancing the commercial opportunities for UW innovations. Maximum awards are $50,000. A detailed explanation of the TGIF and an application form are available at http://depts.washington.edu/techtran/tt/TGIF/.

One example of a TGIF recipient is Peter Oppenheimer of UW’s Human Interface Technology Lab, who co-developed a virtual simulator to train new surgeons on a common procedure to treat enlarged prostate. The company interested in licensing the simulator required that the software be ported from a Unix platform to a PC platform.

“This development task, which was funded through the TGIF grant, enabled us to take a research prototype to the point where it was viable as a commercially licensable product,” Oppenheimer said.

Questions regarding the application procedure should be directed to Cathy Manzanares Herda, UW TechTransfer, Box 354990, 206-543-0905, TGIF@u.washington.edu.

Created in 1982, UW TechTransfer facilitates the commercialization of new innovations arising from UW research through the management and licensing of intellectual property. For more information visit http://depts.washington.edu/techtran.