UW News

October 12, 2006

Forum on I-933 brings researchers, advocates together

“Balancing property rights and growth management: a discussion of the implications of I-933” is the title of a forum to be held from noon to 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 20 in Parrington Hall Forum.

In November Washington citizens may require governments to compensate property owners for reductions in land values that result from land use regulation, or waive the regulation. Initiative 933 has emerged as the most hotly contested issue on the ballot. This forum will clarify shared and divergent values for balancing property rights with growth management, and how I-933 would affect that balance.

Leading researchers and advocates will discuss what we know about the effects of growth and land use regulation on the environment and property owners. The topics to be addressed are the effects of growth management policies on land and housing costs, cumulative effects of urban growth on water quality, the likely cost of compensation under I-933, and fairness of the distribution of the costs and benefits of regulation.

This forum continues the conversation on I-933 begun Oct. 12 at a forum coordinated by the Northwest Center for Livable Communities. That forum focused on fiscal and legal implications. This forum addresses ecological, land costs and distributional issues.

This forum is supported by the Department of Geography, The Evans School of Public Affairs, and the Program on the Environment.