UW News

November 16, 2006

Staying in touch in case of inclement weather

As we head into the season when snow and other severe weather is possible, UW employees need to be aware that there is a hotline they can call to find out if the University is operating as usual.

In general, the University never closes — for bad weather or any other reason — because many units, such as the hospitals, the police and facilities services provide essential services that must continue. However, on rare occasions administrative and academic operations are suspended, meaning that classes are cancelled and only employees designated as performing an essential function report to work. All other employees do not report to work.

The University therefore maintains a 24-hour hotline, 206-UWS-INFO or 1-866-UWS-INFO (toll-free) that can be called for up-to-the minute information about operations at the three UW campuses during emergencies or severe weather conditions. If the UW does suspend operations, the UW’s Suspended Operations Policy (view it online at http://www.washington.edu/admin/hr/pol.proc/susp.ops/suspend.operations.html) describes the applicable leave use and compensation practices that are in place.