UW News

January 11, 2007

MLK Jr. Day of Service sign-ups rise

As of Tuesday, about 900 members of the UW community had signed up to help on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, to be held Monday, Jan. 15. Participants may continue to sign up online through today, Jan. 11, at http://depts.washington.edu/mlkjr/. Rachel Vaughn, assistant director for community-based learning at the UW’s Carlon Leadership and Public Service Center.

After Jan. 11, she said interested participants should just attend the kick-off celebration that morning in the HUB. “We will never turn anyone away who wants to volunteer,” she said.

UW Tacoma is offering three different days of service — on Monday, Jan. 15, Saturday, Jan. 20 and Friday, Jan. 26. A Web site at http://www.tacoma.washington.edu/diversity/mlk/  provides infornmation on volunteer activities in that area. For more information, call the Diversity Resource Center at 253-692-4476 or e-mail diverescn@w.washington.edu.