UW News

January 18, 2007

UW Medical Center, Health Sciences honor Dr. King, community activist, and volunteers

“The Noble Road to Peace,” UW Medical Center/Health Sciences celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. featured a keynote address by Nikhil Pal Singh, UW associate professor of history (above). The January 11 event also honored those whose efforts have improved the community in which they live. Yalonda Sinde (right), former executive director of the Community Coalition for Environmental Justice, was awarded the 2007 Distinguished Community Award for her work toward environmental and economic justice for low income communities and communities of color. John Coulter, executive director of health sciences administration, presented dentistry student Sara Riechers a Community Volunteer Recognition Award for her efforts to improve oral care for low-income families. Others who received the Community Volunteer Recognition Awards were Claudette Boudreaux, UW Medical Center; Gary Elmer, School of Pharmacy; Chinua Lambie, School of Public Health & Community Medicine; Whitney Harrington, School of Medicine; Marian Harris, School of Social Work; and Carole Schroeder, School of Nursing.