UW News

April 24, 2007

Space launchers, robotic fish will be on display at Engineering Open House

UW News

It’s somewhere between a carnival and a trip to a mad scientist’s lab. When the UW’s College of Engineering opens its doors this weekend, schoolchildren and members of the public can see, feel and test out the latest in technology research. Guests will be invited to:

  • Make their own solar cells using natural products such as blackberries and raspberries
  • See powered, full-scale robotic LIFESUITS designed to help the paralyzed walk again
  • Experience the future of graphics and video animation technologies

These are just some of the many discoveries to be made at the 2007 University of Washington Engineering Open House, April 27-28 on the UW Seattle campus. With more than 100 hands-on exhibits and demonstrations, the free event provides an inside peek at some of the fascinating study and research taking place in the UW’s century-old College of Engineering.

Returning exhibit favorites include the RoboFish swimming robot, tours of the Kirsten wind tunnel, and the student-built concrete canoes. New exhibits this year include a tour of the Paul G. Allen computer science center, a presentation on the building of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and a visit with Morpheus, the UW’s knee-high humanoid robot.

Different exhibits are aimed at elementary, high-school and adults audiences. Young children can test their skills in the paper airplane contest or enter the egg drop contest and learn how to protect an egg from a six-foot fall using a single piece of paper. More than 7,000 schoolchildren will attend the event on Friday.

Professional organizations will be on hand to meet with prospective college transfer students and others pondering engineering careers. They include the Puget Sound Engineering Council, the National Society of Black Engineers, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and the engineering sorority Phi Sigma Rho.

The event is free and the public is welcome both days. Displays will be operating Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. See the Web site for a full list of exhibits. This event is held in conjunction with Washington Weekend.


For more information: Kristina Michaels, (206) 685-1789, openhouse@engr.washington.edu. Reporters can also contact the UW’s Office of News and Information, (206) 543-2580. The event calendar, list of exhibits and map are at www.engr.washington.edu/openhouse/exhibits.