UW News

May 31, 2007

Home Improvement Fair set

Has spring cleaning got you thinking of making changes to your home? Maybe a bit of remodeling, or some new landscaping? UW Benefits & Work/Life, in partnership with Home Street Bank, is ready to help with its Home Improvement Fair.

The fair is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, June 21, in the lobby of the Health Sciences Center. It’s free, and all UW faculty and staff, plus their partners or spouses, may attend.

And this year there is a special focus on going “green” and making your home as environmentally friendly as it can be.

Local home improvement companies will be on hand to discuss energy efficiency, home repair, remodeling, design and landscaping. There also will be information on affordable housing in the Seattle area from the Homestead Community Land Trust and the Washington Homeownership Center.

The annual Home Fair was started to bring attention to the Hometown Home Loan Program, a new benefit introduced for UW faculty and staff in 1999, according to Mary Parker-Hale, Web coordinator for UW Benefits & Work/Life. Back then, it was aimed mostly at first-time home buyers. But in the last couple of years it has been expanded to include the remodeling and improvement of existing homes.

For more information about the Home Improvement Fair, visit online at http://www.washington.edu/admin/hr/benefits/, choose “saving money” and then look for “housing” on the left.