UW News

June 21, 2007

Memorial service set for longtime staffer

A celebration of Margaret Darland’s life is planned at 5:30 p.m. Friday, June 22, in the Burke Room at the Burke Museum. Darland, a UW graduate and retiree from Publications Services, died recently after a long struggle with the effects of several strokes.

Darland started work at Publications Services as an editor in 1958; she retired as a publications coordinator in 1993. Throughout her working life and after her retirement, she spent as much time as she could traveling all over the world. That was why she established an endowed fund — called the Margaret M. Darland Student Travel Fund — through the Faculty Staff Retiree Campaign.

The fund’s purpose is to help ensure that University students have opportunities to travel and study abroad. It was Darland’s belief that visiting countries beyond one’s home is an essential part of education, and critical to fully understanding and appreciating the world’s diverse cultures.

Even after her strokes, Darland continued to travel, and on one such trip she learned that the handicapped entrance to Buckingham Palace was also the queen’s entrance. As she used it, she mischievously waved as the real queen would, and guards on hand snapped to attention and saluted.

Gifts in Darland’s memory should be added to the travel fund she created. Checks should be made out to the UW Foundation and sent to the College of Arts & Sciences, Box 353765, Seattle, WA 98195, noting Margaret M. Darland Student Travel Fund.