UW News

October 11, 2001


MAP breakfast slated Oct. 20

The UW Alumni Association Multicultural Alumni Partnership (MAP) will hold its annual Bridging the Gap Breakfast Oct. 20. The breakfast honors MAP scholarship recipients and the diversity achievements of four UW alumni: Susan Tomita, associate director of social work at Harborview; Herman McKinney, vice president for urban affairs for the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce and executive director of the Urban Enterprise center; William “Ron” Allen, tribal chairman of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe in Sequim; and Judge Michael Hurtado, a City of Seattle Municipal Court judge.

President Richard L. McCormick will be presenting the Dr. Samuel E. Kelley award for outstanding diversity performance to Myron Apilado, recently retired vice president for minority affairs.

“Every fall, the MAP breakfast fills the HUB with the spirit and energy of genuine diversity. This year, I’m delighted to be presenting the Samuel E. Kelly Award to Dr. Myron Apilado,” McCormick said.

Under Apilado, the minority affairs endowment fund has grown to $1.5 million. Gear-up, McNair, Talent Search, Upward Bound, Student Support Services and the Bridge Program are among the new outreach programs established during his tenure.

The breakfast is from 8 to 11 a.m. at the HUB. Proceeds go to scholarships for economically and educationally disadvantaged students and the alumni association’s MAP diversity activities. For more information contact the UW Alumni Association at 206-543-0540.

Preparedness fair set for Oct. 18

The UW will host a Preparedness Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18 in the HUB lobby and room 106-B. The purpose of the fair is to provide information and resources to help individuals and campus units prepare for emergencies.

The fair will include representatives and displays from the Emergency Preparedness Society Northwest, the U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory, the Emergency Supply Center, the UW Police Department, Environmental Health and Safety, UW Central Stores, the Disaster Resistant University project, the Student Affairs Committee on Emergency Training, the Quake-Ready Kit Company and Puget Power.

In addition, there will be tours of the Seismology Lab, 146 Quaternary Research Center, at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Attendees also will be able to register for some free personal preparedness items.

For further information, contact Debra Nelson, 206-685-2909. The event is sponsored by the Student Affairs Committee on Emergency Training, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Purchasing and Accounting Building Health and Safety Committee.

Update directory listing by Oct. 19

Have you updated your personal listing in the online UW Faculty-Staff Directory lately? If not, now would be a good time because a paper version of the directory is in the works and data for it will be extracted from online listings.

According to Bobbie Jo Bay, manager of mailing services, data for the paper directory will be downloaded on Oct. 19. Faculty and staff can check and update their listings through MyUW. Anyone with questions about how to do this should check with their payroll coordinator.

The new paper directory is due in late November.