UW News

September 27, 2007

Health Sciences News Briefs

HMC changes to ‘744’ telephone prefix

Harborview Medical Center is migrating telephone numbers with the 731 prefix to the 744 prefix. The four-digit extensions are not affected. For example, if the current number is 206-731-2000, the new number will be 206-744-2000. Callers can continue using the 731 prefix until Dec. 31. After that, a recording will provide callers with the new 744 number and will forward calls automatically for at least six months. For more information, visit the Harborview Telecommunications Web site at http://depts.washington.edu/hmctel  or call 206-744-4141.

New 3Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Laboratory opens Sept. 28

The occasion will be celebrated with a scientific discussion from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in room 108 of the HUB. A reception and tour of the new laboratory will take place from 1:30 to 5 p.m. in Suite AA-048, Health Sciences Building. Guest speakers include Richard Buxton, University of California, San Diego, and Gary Glover of Stanford University. Buxton is an internationally recognized leader in the development of research applications of fMRI techniques. Glover is an internationally renowned scientist who pioneered the development of rapid MR scanning methods and improved MR hardware. The event will also include UW speakers Elizabeth Aylward, Kevin Conley, Stephen Dager, Scott Murray and Todd Richards.

Health Sciences Library Open House, Oct. 11

Visit the Health Sciences Library Open House from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 11. There will be demos of some great, new clinical and information management products, such as Dynamed, Clin-eguide, CINAHLplus, EndNoteWeb, RefWorks and Quosa. There will also be in-depth presentations on new bioinformatics tools, and National Library of Medicine products. The UW Police Crime Prevention Unit will be present. There will be refreshments and door prizes too!

Health Sciences Library Cashier hours change

The Health Sciences Library Cashier hours have changed. The new hours, which went into effect in August, are 10  a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. Copy cards may be purchased:

a. With cash, Visa/MasterCard or budget number during these cashier hours.

b. With cash from one of the card vending machines during all library hours.

c. With budget number via e-mail to our cashier. Cards purchased via e-mail may be picked up during our new cashier hours or can be sent to departments via campus mail. HSL can not accept any responsibilities for any missing cards.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact our cashier, Karen Murphy at murphkj@u.washington.edu or 206-221-7481.