UW News

December 6, 2007

In brief


Global Health Lecture: “Safe Motherhood: Getting on With What Works,” by Marge Koblinsky, 3 p.m., T-739 HSC. Koblinsky is the director of the Division Office of Public Health Sciences, International centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. Her specialty is maternal health and mortality.


UW Center for AIDS and STD Research Symposium: Dr. Martina Morris, UW professor of sociology and statistics, will give the keynote address “Disparities in HIV and STI: Explanations with Global Reach and Local Relevance” in the Research and Training Building Auditorium at Harborview Medical Center. For a complete schedule, see http://depts.washington.edu/cfas/cfar/seminars/.  To register, go to https://catalysttools.washington.edu/survey/spmello/42331.  The program is open to everyone. For more information, contact Susan Mello at spmello@u.washington.edu  or call 206-744-2238.

Film Screening: “And the Band Played On,” 6 p.m., Genome Sciences Foege Building Auditorium, S-060, 1705 NE Pacific . Presented by the African Studies Program at the Jackson School of International Studies, PATH, and the UW Center for AIDS Research and World Health Cinema.

The Northwest and the Future of Global Health, 6:30 p.m., Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (SBRI), Discovery Conference Room, 307 Westlake Ave. N., Seattle. Join the Northwest Science Writers Association and top experts to find out what’s on the global health horizon in the Northwest. Featured speakers include Carol Dahl, director of the Gates Foundation’s Global Health Technologies Initiative; Karen Hedine, chief executive officer of Micronics, developers of labs-on-a-chip; Ken Stuart, SBRI president; and Judith Wasserheit, vice chair, UW Department of Global Health. RSVP and questions to mikeb@seanet.com.