UW News

February 7, 2008

Faces of the Grand Army of the Republic — a slide presentation

UW News

After the Civil War, veterans of the Union Army formed the group The Grand Army of the Republic, or GAR. In about 1915, portraits of Washington State GAR members were gathered in a special book that resides at the Seattle Public Library. But now these dramatic portraits are also part of the UW Libraries Digital Collections. Read more about The Grand Army of the Republic, see vintage portraits, and learn how these images became part of UW Libraries’ collections at a special Uweek Web site (http://uwnews.org/uweek/special/faces/index.asp).

The Grand Army of the Republic slide presentation uses Adobe Flash. Most web browsers already have the Flash player installed, but if you need it, it is available as a free download here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/