UW News

April 17, 2008

Arts programs show off at ARTS EXPO(SED) April 25

ARTSLINK, an organization by students for students, will present ARTS EXPO(SED), a showcase of art-oriented departments at the UW, from noon to 4 p.m. April 25, in the Liberal Arts Quad.

ARTS EXPO(SED) will target UW undergraduates and prospective freshmen from local high schools. But instead of staffing information tables, each department will offer vignette or tableaux, using visual performances to showcase their programs in a fun and interactive way.

About a dozen departments in the arts community will put on their party shoes and perform, practice, and present, while sharing the essential facts of pursuing a liberal arts degree. They’ll answer such questions as, do you really snap at the end of a poetry slam? And, how does a student’s painting get critiqued?

ARTSLINK was founded by academic advisers and a think-tank of undergraduates in the visual, literary, and performing arts with support from Paul LePore, assistant dean of educational programs in the College of Arts & Sciences. By working together to recognize and strengthen inter-department relationships, ARTSLINK provides year-round opportunities for students to explore and investigate all the majors in the arts at UW.

For more information, visit the student-run Web site at http://depts.washington.edu/artsl/.