UW News

May 8, 2008

Undergrad research in spotlight May 16

Extrabular: That which is rambunctious, extensively extracurricular and spectacularly life-changing.

It’s how UW undergraduate Amir Stone describes his research, which uses infrared tracking and real-time imaging in a digital arts installation called “Blight Horizon.”

As a UW senior studying computer science, digital arts and experimental media, Stone will present his work at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 16 from noon to 5 p.m. in Mary Gates Hall.

The event is a chance for 650 students from all three UW campuses to present their projects to an expected audience of at least 3,500 people. Additionally, seven mentors will be recognized for their work with undergraduate researchers.

Stone is a Mary Gates Scholar and as such is required to participate in the symposium; however, all undergraduates performing research with a faculty mentor were encouraged to apply.

“The symposium is more than a daylong event. We want to make every step of the way a learning process,” said Janice DeCosmo, associate dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs and director of the Undergraduate Research Program.

Her team requires research abstracts, and offers workshops on writing them. They hold poster workshops and oral presentation practice. They also hold students to firm deadlines.

About 350 students will present their work in poster form; 300 other students will offer oral presentations, some of the work presented as a group effort.

Topics include local water pollution, earthquake detection, relationships between prejudice and group identity and the effects of light-activated cancer drugs.

As part of applying to the symposium, student researchers were offered a chance to nominate their mentors for special recognition. They submitted about 150 names for the competition, which is funded by the UW Alumni Association. The winners:

  • Bryan Jones, professor of political science
  • Suzie Pun, assistant professor of bioengineering
  • Angelina Godoy, associate professor at the Jackson School of International Studies and Law, Societies, & Justice
  • Kristin Swanson, associate professor of pathology
  • Rachel Ceballos, postdoctoral associate in health services
  • Christian Hendershot, graduate student in psychology
  • Kate Stoll, graduate student in biomolecular structure and design

For more information on the Undergraduate Research Symposium, visit its <a href=http://www.washington.edu/research/urp/symp/schedule/schedule.html>Web site</a>.