UW News

May 22, 2008

Official notices

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents will hold a regular public meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday, June 12, at UW Tower.

Blood Drives

Friday, May 23, 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m, Health Sciences Lobby

Thursday, May 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Health Sciences Lobby

Thursday, May 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Terry Lounge

Friday, May 30, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Terry Lounge

Monday, June 2, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 200ABC HUB

English Language Courses

The UW English Language Programs (UWELP) offers quarterly online and on-site courses designed primarily for non-native speakers of English.

Convenient online courses are available for UW employees who want to improve their sentence-level grammar and vocabulary in academic, business or technical writing. All of the courses have online interactive exercises and short assignments to be completed each week. Instructors respond to assignments within two business days, giving detailed one-on-one feedback.

Evening on-site courses focus on improving conversational skills and preparation for the iBT TOEFL. There are also daytime courses in reading, writing, grammar, speaking, listening, and vocabulary and idioms.

UWELP customizes courses in English for the Workplace. Depending on the needs of your group, courses can be designed for such areas as pronunciation and fluency, assisting clients by telephone, presentation skills and the language of meetings, e-mail communication, and job-specific vocabulary and idioms.

For more information, call 206-543-6242 or e-mail uwelp@u.washington.edu  

Volunteers sought for weight loss study

The UW/VAPSHCS Diabetes Research Group is looking for volunteers for a weight loss/weight maintenance study. Potential study candidates must be between the ages of 18 and 70, very overweight, not diabetic, and with no major health issues.

The study will involve an 8 week intensive weight-loss period using low-calorie foods that are provided. If successful with the weight-loss phase, study participants will be randomized to receive placebo or an investigational study medication which aims to avoid weight re-gain. Participants can expect to come to the clinic at the VA hospital on Beacon Hill 15 times, and have regular phone contact with study dietitians for 12 months.

For further information please contact Alan of the Diabetes Research Group at 206-768-5272 or Alan.Wesley@va.gov.  

Degree exam dates to be private

Because of concerns raised about the confidentiality of student schedules, the Graduate School has decided to no longer publish the degree exams, which formerly appeared in the University Week Notices section. For further information, contact Joan Abe, director of graduate student admissions and student services, jabe@u.washington.edu.