UW News

June 26, 2008

Agreement creates exchange with Australian university

The UW has signed an agreement with the University of Queensland, in Australia, that will provide new opportunities for academic exchanges, joint research projects and coordination of science outreach to K-12 students.

Trans-Pacific Fellowships will support high-achieving students and faculty from the two universities to learn and conduct research at each other’s institution. Fellowships will be open to seniors at the UW, to master’s and doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers, or faculty. Fellowships will be awarded annually, starting in 2009.

Exchanges will vary from a few weeks to as long as four months for an undergraduate student, or up to six months for a postdoctoral or faculty researcher.

The likely areas of research collaboration include health and bioengineering.

The UW and Queensland are together contributing up to $150,000 a year for the initial three-year phase of the agreement.