UW News

November 20, 2008

Yes you can: Carlson Center seeks 2009 MLK Jr. Day of Service project leaders

The Carlson Center is inviting UW faculty and staff to be project leaders for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Jan. 19, 2009.

Project leaders choose among a variety of service projects that have been organized by our community partners. Projects include beach clean-up and landscape maintenance at the Olympic Sculpture Park; helping Curiosity Corner School secure its building’s cupboards, refrigerators, cabinets and shelves to keep them from falling in the case of an earthquake; sorting clothing donations for Eastside Babies and Children; or planting trees with the Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center. (Projects are available to leaders on a first-come, first-served basis.)

A project leader’s main responsibility is to serve as the communication liaison between the project host, volunteers and the Carlson Center. Leaders can recruit their own teams if they want to.

To learn more, go to http://depts.washington.edu/mlkjr. You can sign up there for a 45-minute training session. Sessions are available on Nov. 26, Dec. 1, 2, 3, & 4.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service will kick off in the HUB at 8 a.m. Service projects last from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.